Im renommierten New Yorker Systems Two – Studio aufgenommen, nimmt uns „Calma“ auf eine Reise von 13 ineinander fließenden Improvisationen mit, die zwischen Jazz, Ambient und moderner Klassik pendeln. Wohl noch nie spielte der Kubaner auf einem seiner Alben so wenige, sparsam gesetzte Noten. Es geht nicht darum, technisch zu beeindrucken, sondern eine kontemplative, reflektierende Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Der Pianist erklärt: „Each song is an inspiration for the next, and improvisation is the basis of the musical expression. I wanted to play from beginning to end without thinking – just feeling where each note would take me, following the voice of my soul. It’s possible that silence, yearning, hope, optimism, and sadness all travel hand-in-hand in many of the songs.“ Dem fortgeschrittenen Hörer wird besonders die sehr selten so verbundene Kombination aus akustischem Piano und Fender Rhodes Piano mit elektronischen Effekten und gesampelten Sounds auffallen, vielleicht aber auch die tief in der afrikanischen Harmonik verwurzelten Wendungen und Improvisationsentwicklungen.
“Calma” takes us along on a journey across 13 improvisations and was produced at the famous Systems Two studio in New York. The pieces swing to and fro, an interweave of jazz, ambient sounds and modern classical music. In contrast to his often festive style, this time Sosa focuses on placing his notes sparingly rather than simply letting the creative juices flow. Impressing the listener with turbulent technique is not the point here; the gist deals more with creating a contemplative, reflective atmosphere. As the pianist himself explains: “Each song is an inspiration for the next, and improvisation is the basis of the musical expression. I wanted to play from beginning to end without thinking – just feeling where each note would take me, following the voice of my soul. It’s possible that silence, yearning, hope, optimism, and sadness all travel hand-in-hand in many of the songs.”
Tracklisting: (CD)
- Sunrise
- Absence
- Walking Together
- Esperanza
- Innocence
- Oasis
- Aguas
- Looking Within
- Dance Of Reflection
- Autumn Flowers
- Reposo
- Madre
- Sunset