„Monk said, Jazz is freedom and based on that I play music. If I ever play the same twice, then I’ll stop making music.“ Auch das Album „Afreecanos“ basiert auf diesem Prinzip, wobei die Zutaten seiner Melange dieses Mal aus Cuba, Mozambique, Frankreich, Mali, dem Senegal, Brasilien, Guinea und Marokko kommen. Neben seinen derzeitigen Triomitgliedern Childo Tomas (Bass/Mozambique) und Julio Barreto (Drums/Cuba) sind es Musiker aus diesen Regionen, die er zu den Sessions einlud. „With Afreecanos we are translating a message from the spiritual dimension. Monk, Miles, Dizzy, Tatum, Ellington, John Lee Hooker and Louis, their music has so many common elements, and like Randy Weston says, the spirit comes from Africa.“ „Afreecanos“ ist eine Ode an Afrika. Dabei wirkt Omar Sosa nie dominierend, sondern eher als Katalysator und Zeremonienmeister, der Wege einschlägt, seine Musiker mitnimmt und zu eigenen Erkundungen ermutigt.
“Monk said, Jazz is freedom and based on that I play music. If I ever play the same twice, then I’ll stop making music.’” “Afreecanos” is also based on Monk’s principle, whereby the ingredients comprising this melange come from Cuba, Mozambique, France, Mali, Senegal, Brazil, Guinea and Morocco this time. Alongside Childo Tomas (Bass/Mozambique) and Julio Barreto (Drums/Cuba), the current members of his trio, he invited musicians from these regions to sit in on the sessions. “With ‘Afreecanos’ we are translating a message from the spiritual dimension. Monk, Miles, Dizzy, Tatum, Ellington, John Lee Hooker and Louis, their music has so many common elements, and, like Randy Weston says, ‘the spirit comes from Africa’.” Yet Omar Sosa never seems to dominate thereby. He acts more as a catalyst and master of ceremonies who turns at a certain path, takes his musicians along with him, and encourages them to make their own explorations.
Tracklisting: (CD)
- Prologo
- Ollu
- Nene La Kanou
- Yeye Moro
- Babalada
- Light In The Sky
- D’Son
- Tres Negros
- Mon Yalala
- Tumborum
- Why Anga ?