Eleven Songs


Luka Bloom


Eleven Songs


Eleven Songs

Luka Bloom
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Projekt Nummer Sieben für SKIP RECORDS hat Luka Bloom schlicht „Eleven Songs“ betitelt, das Cover ist analog dazu extrem zurückgenommen gestaltet. Doch der Inhalt hat es wirklich in sich, denn im Gegensatz zu den letzten Alben, die der Ire gerne in seinem Studio in häuslicher Umgebung aufgenommen hat, ist er jetzt zu einem Produktionsstil zurückgekehrt, der größere Studiokapazitäten erforderte. Er, der in seinen Live-Konzerten eigentlich immer solo auftrat, wollte live im Studio mit anderen Musikern zusammenspielen und damit die Intensität und Atmosphäre seiner Songs weiter verdichten: „I needed to push the boundaries a lot more. The songs seemed to demand I move away from my comfort zone, and go to a large studio, with great musicians, where we would simply play the songs live together.“  Und er ist auch offen, wenn es um um die Grundidee des Albums geht: „I don’t mind admitting that the template for the record was the sound on the Alison Krauss/Robert Plant record of 2007, “Raising Sand”. This raw, beautiful room sound, great musicians and singers, old microphones.“   Innerhalb von acht intensiven Tagen entstand so ein Album, das allein schon in seiner Instrumentierung besticht: Streicher – Miniaturen, Gospelchöre und Pedal Steel – Gitarren unterstützen die Band und man hat durchaus den Eindruck, dass die Musiker sich gegenseitig Rückenwind verschaffen. Aus ursprünglich zwanzig Songs wurden am Ende 11.

Luka Bloom has given project No. 7 for SKIP RECORDS the no-frills title “Eleven Songs”. Analogously, the album cover has been kept decidedly reserved. On the other hand, the contents speak a whole different language, because in contrast to the last albums, which Luka eagerly recorded at his own studio in homey surroundings, this time he has returned to a production style that called for larger studio capacities. A man who has pretty much always stood solo in concert wanted to play and record live together with other musicians in the studio in order to consolidate the intensity and atmosphere of his songs even further: “I needed to push the boundaries a lot more. The songs seemed to demand I move away from my comfort zone and go to a large studio, with great musicians, where we would simply play the songs live together.” And he’s equally open when talking about the basic idea behind the album: “I don’t mind admitting that the template for the record was the sound on the Alison Krauss/Robert Plant record of 2007, ‘Raising Sand’. This raw, beautiful room sound, great musicians and singers, old microphones.” An album arose within 8 intensive days which captivates through its instrumentation alone: Miniature string ensembles, gospel choirs and pedal-steel guitar support the band while giving the certain impression that the musicians have created a mutual tailwind that drives the music to greater heights. From originally 20 tunes, 11 ended up on the album. “Why ‘Eleven Songs’? Well, I always seem to choose a title from a particular song. On this occasion I felt it was important to honor the entire project and find a name for the album which reflected the record. In ‘Eleven Songs’, I guess I’m asking people to take the time to hear the entire record. Each of the songs is important for the album.”

Tracklisting: (CD/MP3)

  1. There Is A Time
  2. I’m On Your Side
  3. I Hear Her, Like Lorelei
  4. I Love The World I’m In
  5. Sunday
  6. Fire
  7. When Your Love Comes
  8. See You Soon
  9. Eastbound Train
  10. Everyman
  11. Don’t Be Afraid Of The Light That Shines Within You

