Gute Pop-Songs mit einprägsamer Hookline, anspruchsvoller zeitgenössischer Jazz auf internationalem Standard, intime Reflektionen zur akustischen Gitarre, Chorarrangements zwischen Gregorianik und Vokalesen. All' das vereint FESSLER auf seinem Album "Signatures" mit der Souveränität eines Überzeugungstäters. Herausragende Jazz - Solisten wie Till Brönner, Wolfgang Haffner, Mitchel Forman, Will Lee ,Ernie Watts oder Chuck Loeb werten eingängige Melodien zu ambitionierten Pop Songs auf. Das Album erreichte die No.20 in den Deutschen Jazz Charts.
Good pop tunes with catchy hook lines, discerning contemporary jazz ranking on an international level, intimate reflections accompanied by an acoustic guitar, choir arrangements styled between Gregorian and vocalizing. FESSLER unites all of these on his album "Signatures" with the supreme ease of a man of conviction. Outstanding jazz soloists such as Till Brönner, Wolfgang Haffner, Mitchel Forman, Will Lee, Ernie Watts or Chuck Loeb enhance catchy melodies, boosting them into top-flight pop. "Signatures" is crossover at its finest. The album reached No.20 in the GERMAN JAZZ CHARTS.
Tracklisting: (CD/MP3)
- Happy Morning
- Silver Or Gold
- Oh Well Brazil
- Tomorrow
- Voices On The Stair
- Dolphin
- Our Story
- Dancing On A Ray
- Here Right Now
- Feel Fine
- Some Day