Luka Bloom beschreibt den Entstehungsprozess des Albums so: "Every now and then I'd quietly slipped into the studio for a day or two. No plan, no rush. Little by little the songs took shape; different musicians came in to play; all very relaxed, no pressure. Almost every note people performed remained in the mix. This is the first time I felt confident in a studio, finally I found a relationship with a studio and an engineer (Brian Masterson), where I felt capable of expressing myself, without (too much) fear."Für die Instrumentierung seiner neuen Songs bediente sich Luka Bloom einer ganz ungewöhnlichen Vielfalt von Stilmöglichkeiten, neben dem Derbouka - Spieler Mohamed Bouhanna findet sich Akkordeon - Instanz Martin O'Connor auf dem Album, Brass - Arrangements wechseln sich mit Instrumentierungen für Streichquartett ab und das Ende der Produktionsphase war der Zusammenarbeit mit Sinead O'Connor gewidmet :" Right at the end of the recording I asked Sinead would she sing a song with me. I am grateful to her for lending her beautiful voice to some of the songs , especially "Love Is A Place I Dream Of".
The creative process behind the album is described by Luka Bloom as: "Every now and then I'd quietly slip into the studio for a day or two. No plan, no rush. Little by little the songs took shape. Different musicians came in to play; all very relaxed, no pressure. Almost every note people performed remained in the mix. This is the first time I felt confident in a studio. I finally found a relationship with a studio and an engineer (Brian Masterson) where I felt capable of expressing myself without (too much) fear."Luka Bloom made use of an unusual diversity of styles in putting together the instrumentation for his new songs. Along with derbouka-player Mohamed Bouhanna, the authoritative accordion voice of Martin O'Connor can also be heard on the album. Brass arrangements interchange with scoring for string quartet ; the end of the production phase was dedicated to working with Sinead O'Connor : "Right at the end of the recording I asked Sinead, would she sing a song with me. I'm grateful to her for lending her beautiful voice to some of the songs, especially "Love Is A Place I Dream Of".
Tracklisting: (CD/MP3)
- Monsoon
- Here And Now
- Perfect Groove
- Love Is A Place I Dream Of
- Gabriel
- Soshin
- Moonslide
- As I Waved Goodbye
- I’m A Bogman
- Rainbow Day
- Hands Of A Farmer