Anläßlich seines 60sten Geburtstages im Mai 2001 ging Pee Wee Ellis gemeinsam mit seinem Mitstreiter aus JB Horns Tagen, dem Posaunisten Fred Wesley, auf eine ausgedehnte USA - Tournee. Das Material der Show bestand dabei aus Highlights seiner gesamten Karriere, doch offenkundig war es der Funk, der das Rückgrat der Konzerte bildete. Klassiker aus James Brown - Tagen wie "Pass The Peas", "I Got The Feeling" oder "I Got You" (I Feel Good) , Balladen wie der Esther Phillips - Tribut "Cherry Red" oder der Bill Withers - Klassiker "Grandma's Hands" verlangsamen gelegentlich die Pace, um mit Stompern wie "House Party" oder "Cold Sweat" wieder umso mehr Vollgas zu geben. Das Album erreichte die Nr.23 der Deutschen Jazz Charts.
Together with trombonist Fred Wesley, his compatriot from the JB Horns days, Pee Wee Ellis started on an extended USA tour in May 2001 to celebrate his 60th birthday. Although the show's material consists of a solid blend of highlights from his entire career, Funk formed the apparent backbone in sparking the concerts. Energy-laden classics from the James Brown days such as "Pass The Peas", "I Got The Feeling" or "I Got You" (I Feel Good) are there for the offing , along with change-of-pace ballads such as the tribute to Esther Phillips' "Cherry Red" or the Bill Withers' classic "Grandma's Hands". Show-stopping stompers like "House Party" and "Cold Sweat" ensure that listeners' blood comes to a funkified boil. The Album reached No.23 in the German Charts.
>Tracklisting: (CD/MP3)
- Chicken
- How I Depend On You
- Grandma’s Hands
- Pass The Peas
- House Party
- What’s Up With That
- Cherry Red
- Cold Sweat / Licking Stick Licking Stick
- I Got The Feeling
- I Got You (I Feel Good)